Home / Cookie Policy
Cookie Policy
In general
This website is operated and owned by:
Hübsch Retail Aps
CVR: 41732350
Email: shop@hubsch-interior.com
Phone: +45 44226888
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file on your computer hard drive, smartphone, or other electronics device. The cookie enables us to recognize your computer / IP address and collect information about the pages you visit.
Consenting to cookies
When you click on “Accept all” in the cookie banner, you consent to cookies being set to the purpose specified by the banner. If you only want to give your consent to some cookies, you can select the desired cookies on and off, and then press “Accept selected”. If, on the other hand, you do not want to give consent to some cookies, you can select some or “Reject all”. In the cookie banner, you can also withdraw a consent with future effect. However, be aware that you cannot remove “necessary cookies” as they are a prerequisite for the site to work.
Which cookies are set?
Hübsch uses third-party cookies. A third-party cookie is a cookie placed by others than Hübsch, for example by other websites that offer content on our website, resellers of some features of our website or analytics programs. Third-party cookies help us improve your experience on our website.
Why does Hübsch use cookies?
At Hübsch, we use cookies to improve your experience on our website, to help us create the best possible content for you. In addition, cookies allow us to store the choices you make when you use our website – e.g., your choice of country and language. We also use cookies to target our marketing to your needs and demands.
How to reject, delete cookies or withdraw consent
You can revoke your consent to cookies for the future at any time by clicking on the “footprint” icon in the lower left corner of the screen, which opens the banner again and is visible on all pages of the website. At the bottom of the banner, you can deselect all cookies that are not necessary to make the page work. If you have only selected some, press “accept selected” if you have selected all cookies, press “Reject all”. Your consent will then be updated.
You can also delete cookies that have already been set and withdraw your consent: If you use a PC with a newer browser, you can delete your cookies using the shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE.
If the shortcut keys do not work and / or you use a MAC, you must first find out which browser you are using and then click on the relevant link:
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Flash cookies (all browsers)
iPhone, iPad and more from Apple
Phones with an Android operating system
Phones with Windows 7
You can also always reject cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your browser. Where you find the settings depends on which browser you are using. However, you should be aware that if you do, there are many features and services you cannot use because they presuppose that the website can remember the choices you make.
Questions and complaint guide
If you have questions in connection with our information or processing of personal information, you are always welcome to contact us at shop@hubsch-interior.com.
If you do not believe that the website complies with the cookie rules, you can contact Hübsch Retail ApS at shop@hubsch-interior.com.
The inquiry must contain:
– Your name
– Your address
– Your email
– Your phone number
– Website: www.shop.hubsch-interior.com
– Detailed description of the content of the complaint
We at Hübsch will then process your inquiry within a reasonable time.